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Once upon a time I couldn't remember all the different weather links that I would use when checking the weather if using someone else's computer.

To remedy the situation I started this website where as long as I could remember my url, I could get to the links I wanted for my personal weather briefing.

Over the years the page has expanded and morphed into the current concoction. I try to keep the links current and every few years give the page a facelift.

To those who visit the page, especially during severe weather in North Texas, I hope you find the information useful.

The original launch was May 25, 2000. The re-launches were on: April 2, 2002;
June 1, 2003; July 20, 2007: July 12, 2011; March 18, 2014, March 21, 2018,
and the move to was on December 28, 2012
Art Prints
I do some photography and some painting in my spare time. I have posted some of these images on a website if you are interested in viewing them.